old. and boring.

The boy stared quietly at the comos in the tea cup. It was vaguely interesting and due for mind-boggling. Maybe because, he had never seen a cosmos before, or maybe because it was puzzling . Ah... yes... mysterious it was. As mysterious as a cosmos in a tea cup.

Mystery does alot of things. It captivates us, then drives us off a cliff of question before plummeting us down into a depth of understanding. Once the enigmatic is solved, it seems inmensely to fail to interest anyone anymore, except maybe to be used as a refrence.
The attraction of things intangible to the inquisitive mind have a grip like gravity's. Especially to a young boy.

The cosmos in a tea cup, couldn't be used for a refrence to anything, or so it seemed. The boy looked urgingly at it, Hoping it'd jump and perhaps attempt a backflip. The cosmos, at this point, was getting very flatteringly irritated with the staring but couldn't do anything about the entire affair. You see, it was an old cosmos. Older than the beaches of Jupiter or bigger than the moons of Pluto. It was irritated and irritatingly old.

The boy stared a while more. Nothing seemed to be happening. Nothing perculiarly mind-blowing so to speak. The boy left. The cosmos hummed a tune of an old television series it used to watch before abruptly falling asleep, whilest trying to remember the lyrics.

A cosmos, therefore, is a boring thing. It looks like black tea and seems to do virtually nothing. Nothing to save the starving children in Uthopia, nothing for world peace. Nothing. Except. Except... maybe to be used as the reference goes... As old as a comos in a tea cup.
Moments with u last for eternity.


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