Far away

Everytime I blog here, I feel somewhat far away from God. (Yes, Christians can feel that way too. We're not angels u know=) )

I starting to wonder where I had left my life behind. Before I came to know Christ. Its like walking away from Eygpt, so hard yet so delievering. From being blissfully unaware of being miserable to being acutely aware of how terribly miserable I really am, without God.

I guess that is the reason i haven't left my faith. When something makes an impact on me, I want to hold on to it because it becomes all I have. When questions creep in, like the sunlight on a lazy saturday morning, "Would I have been a good dancer and live a life of glamour?", or "would i have many more girlfriends?" (and a whole lot of screwed up realtionships.) "Would I be who i wanted to be, if i hadn't walked away?"

Maybe I would have. Maybe... I would have failed. I don't know for sure. Does happiness come from chasing pretty rainbows?

The only thing i know now. Is that the old life i used to live cannot contain...
what I know now.


Jolene has inspired me!
I shall

Sun - Study
Mon-Study Study
Tue- Study Study Study
I give up.


Its 5 Am in the bloody morning.
I'm going to run soon.

Doesn't help that I'm drunk on plain water though.

Inn Somnia

Welcome to Inn Somnia. No drinks. Absolutely no fun. Just plenty of rolling around and trying to get some sleep. Seriously.

One of my friends has flown of to Hong Kong. The smiling pictures, the happy faces. I can't help but acknowledge the slightest tinge of jealousy well up inside. well. Enjoy yourself girl, you deserve it. =)

Its a happening 7AM in the morning and my the exclaimation mark on my keyboard just refuses to work. Or rather the the "1" button. Which makes me want to exclaim in obscene, four-lettered words but it wouldn't be right without the exclaimation marks behind the swear words and possibly because I don't approve of swearing either. (you can breathe now.) Its kinda like having a steak and finding after you've chewed it you can't swollow because your throat stopped working. So the satisfaction dies there. Seriously a new keyboard I needeth.

Its been raining for days now. It feels like months though. Especially when I'm aching to go for a run. As you can see, this blog is entirely pointless and directionless. Because it doesn't point in any direction.

I jsut realised the importance of punctuation. How silly. After twenty two years of living on this planet I have just began to appreciate punctuation. Like "Ahhhhh" for example.
Ahhhhh.- Could mean a satisfied Ahhhh.
Ahhhhh(with many exclaimation marks), could mean someone jsut stepped on your toe with 4 inch heels.
AHhhh? could possibly mean You're at a lost for words, or possibly lost track of the train of thought track. Or something of equal horrendousness along the same line.
Ahhhhh.,.,?., is erm.. for irrittating your English teacher. Like typing like dis. 1t w00t m4k3 h1m 0r h3r r3411y m4d n u'd g3t p4wn3d. or like j00 dunch lyche dat larhxx

Annoying isn't it? Came in the email.
I need sleep.

honestly? honest honesty.

I guess i haven't been particularly honest with myself. (This is beginning to look like one of those posts where I divulge my most dark and obxious secret. Which would attract the most sinister of reporters to this blogpost like bees to mathematics.)

Yes. I guess I haven't been particularly honest with myself. Honest in the sense that I still hide from the person that I really am. I mean... who doesn't right?Everyone does it.

I need to be honest. I just... need to be.

Old wives tales.

Old wives tales.

Brazillian old wives´ tales:
-You will die if you eat mangoes and milk (created to avoid slave nightly plundering of farm areas during the slavery period)
-Mirrors attract lightning during a storm; cover them to be protected (some truth here: metal attracts electric discharges more easily than most other materials, including water. Mirrors were mostly made of iron back then).
-Pointing your finger to the stars will make warts grow on your fingers. No problems if you point to the moon or other planets, though.
-A recipe will not work if you mix ingredients partly clockwise, partly anti-clockwise. (This is true only if one switches direction so quickly that the entire container is not fully stirred).
-Wild boars will trample you to death in your sleep if you eat bacon in your bed past midnight.
-You will grow worms on your stomach if you sleep when you're really hungry.
-If a pregnant woman does not eat whatever food she craves at the time she craves it, the baby's face will resemble said food's shape.
-Drinking soft drinks under sunlight may twist your mouth permanently.
-Saying "Thank You" after someone says "Bless You" after sneezing will cause you to have bad luck.
-People who can draw "perfect" circles are insane.
-Ornamental elephants within your home are bad luck unless they face the door.

-If you are hit on the knee cap and your leg does not twitch, you are insane.

taken from here.
go read. haha


Jam with garlic bread is swell.