
i so so so want to chop all my hair off.
ok. i'm going to get a haircut. the mop of hair on my head has driven me to the edges of sanity.
coupled with the unavoidable math paper on wed, i'm losing the very shreds of hope i have left.

ok. so its not the hair. but the impending math paper that has killed me. -smiles-

its raining.

i remember once, u told u me you loved walking in the rain. and there was that once i shared a jacket with u to shield us in the storm. heh. we both got soaking wet anyway cuz the jacket wasn't waterproof!

but then i think i told u once i didn't like walking in the rain or getting wet. i didn't realise it meant something to u. i was just having a bad day that day and didn't want to talk. i never did tell you why. maybe cuz i was too full of myself to admit it. or maybe i wasn't patient enough.

now when i think back i do enjoy walking in the rain. only it depends. sometimes u wanna sit in bed to enjoy the pitter patter of its drops with a hot cup of milo. sometimes u wanna stare at the rain walking arpund at your void deck and feel that inner peace within u. sometimes.. u just wanna stand in the rain. and let it hit u and wash all over your face. and let the chilly winds blow you to bits.

that sometimes is now. i really want to stand in the rain and feel its gentle kisses on my cheeks and the wind whisper in my ears. to let the droplets soak through my clothes and drench me in a covering of water. to help me come to realisation of where i am again. i love the rain. cuz everything's just so fresh and beautiful when its done, like your vision after u cry. then there's the rainbow, a promise that things will get better.

rain. rain come again
and wash my thoughts away.

if there wasn't rain, there wouldn't be rainbows.


Just watched an episode of some funny serial. think it that taiwanese thingy.. haah.. NOOOO.. why is jon watching something degrading like that.. have the books been burning your brain cells and offering them as sacrifices to the book spirits!? right jon...

anyway.. the guy in the show spent the entire night with the girl he liked pieceing together some documentation that was accidentally shredded. in the end he got a kiss out of it. tthe next morning, she was dying to fall asleep and he was energetic as hell. WHy? cuz she kissed him by accident. hahaha. yes.. a kiss can revitalize a soul, change the tides and create 5 seasons in a year. he playfuly asked for a kiss, on the cheek and he turned his face thinking she wouldn't do it, and got one right smack on the lips.

gosh. haha. i'd have died to be that guy... er.. wait.. not really haha. yes not really. (aiyah jon.. don't bedek lah!!) really.. i only want a kiss from the girl i like.. but.. haha.. that's a little TOO far fetchEDa and ANYWAY.. moving ON....(gosh jon.. i can't believe u)

i remembered how a kiss was like. more importantly, for that very small moment i missed them. sigh. i'm a sad sop. yes. a very very sad sop indeed.

i remember the first time i got a kiss, the whole world came to a standstill and me heart skipped a beat. i wanted very much to die, then and there. i remember trying desperately to catch my breath as my heart beat faster and bit my lip as i try very pathetically not to smile. i fail miserably and the smile turns into a grin. i remember my ears growing hot and my eyes blinking to fight the emotions. i look at the girl who jsut kissed me and wonder wat just happened.give me a replay please please... i mentally go down on my knees and beg for another kiss. the whole sensation drives me nuts and i cannot stop smiling, my cheeks ache already but some mysterious force is holding them there.

Even as i board the bus to leave. the warmth of that touch just seems to linger there. and i dare not touch it, in case i rub it off by accident. (haha.. sillly jon, you've gone all soft and fuzzy.) the worse part is.. i remember people giveing me that look when they see me grinning like a mad man. but i don't care. my minds in a far off place that one one else can comprehend. and it lasts and i wanna see her again.. hopefully...

i really miss those kisses.. i really do. but.. is it lust? do i lust for these things, because my flesh is weak? i guess so. i should stop fantasizing. (UGH.. i hate that word)..( Jon.. grip yourself and study.. go kiss your tutorials if u have to.)

seeya blog..


jolene said she's
SMART - Spastic Mentally Affected Retarded Toad
haha.. she's so adorably entertaining.

to the sea: i love u...

i sat at the beach with the dampness of the sandy shore soaking through my favourite blue boardshorts and the waves rushing between my toes..

i stared silently at a stone and asked:

"stone of stones,
where have u been?
have u seen the horizons
or crossed the open seas?

whats it like out there
between the coral reefs.
are there lawyers and doctors?
and is there hide and seek?

do u have four seasons?
is there rain where u live?
what's it like out there?
tell me,tell me please!"

The stone replied:

"silly sillly child,
there is much u do not know
lemme ask you then,
why do u seek to know?

Will the seas change their tides,
and will the rivers cease to flow?
will the earth run off its axis,
to a journey of its own.

why do u worry then young boy,
about things yet unknown,
leave your worries for tommorrow,
for today is wat u own."

and i thought to myself:
-jon lame

seee.... seasick...

Jon's seasick.. i can tell from his eyes.
-stares at the mirror and pulls an eyelid-
yup definately... sEA Sick.. so so so so madly sea sick. yes. well..then again.. not sea sick but a lovesick kinda sea sick. U know.. when u miss your love, you're lovesick? well jon's sea sick... -jon nods-
u've gone retarded.. seriously.. talking to a mirror like that...


I think Crystal is pretty cute.. shot me with a cupid's arrow that..darn archery girl..
Moments with u last for eternity.


Feel tons better after talking to Char.. she's theraputic in some sense.. haha..
realised oso i pretty much miss the feeling of falling in love. basically very much addicted to the whole affair. gosh. i'm a sad sop.. hahaha.. well at least not a sour one.. =X

saw u today... for a moment. i saw u when i saw that women's eyes. how did this whole affair happen?. i was just minding my own biz.. fanning myself at JM's bbq when this rather attractive girl appeared. apparently she had lost her pouch and her handphone inside.

her voice was all funny like she was on the verge of breaking down and i knew she was pretty upset. JM den followed her around to search for the pouch while i bbqed..

something told me inside i had to pray something.. called me to. i didn't kneel or anything.. i just prayed. but it was differnt.. i prayed with every inch of my heart.. and meant every word i said.
somehow i felt within me.. her pain.. i guess its maybe cuz i'm such a horrible klutz i lose too many things its becoming of me to lose stuff.

anyway. u answered me. i still find it unbelieveable. i decided to leave the bbq wings a while and maybe retrace the girls steps in the opposite direction form where JM left. i looked on the floor, stared at the drains and prayed as i walked. when i finally did look up i saw a kindly auntie looking at me.

in her hands was a pouch.. i still remember vivdly that i knew it probably belonged to the auntie so i could stop thinking of weird probabilities.

then.. she looked at me some more.. something told me to walk over and ask her if wat the matter was.. and she said she had found this pouch and stuff.. i was so amazed i could hardly talk..

it felt like u stood there and looked me in the face. somehow i felt the blood drain from me and a an intense feeling run up my spine.

in short. the girl got her pouch back.. and JM was a hero.. ahaha..
i told nick i prayed.. he laughed in disbelief.. haah..
oh weell , i'm joking most of the time i guess.. so hard for pple to wonder if i'm serious at times.
but i know.. that it happened. and it was definately not a coincidence. i'd probably have missed the auntie... if i were a few steps slower.. or she couldn't have seen me.. or someonewould have taken the pouch. the timing was so perfect.. i just.. gosh.. i dunno.. thanks... i guess..
Moments with u last for eternity.

the table was cold... and hard..unlike a lady..

staring blankly at the empty glasses before him. Are they gone already? his eyes half closed, he curses under his breathe. it reeks badly of alchohol and seems entirely to consume him. these...things... crutches to prop up his empty self. the fragility of his very existance and the pain of it all.

he gathers himself up and stares, head slightly tilted to the back feeling his neck muscles go limp. it felt good for once, leaning like that. just lazing around. then his head felt like it was gonna snap and roll off on a trip of its own and he pulled himself up.

damn. i need more coffee. he thinks vivdly of the chemicals in his body and sniggers. pathethic. how pathetic. ahhhh.... flinging his head down in disgust he sneers at his drug dependant body and wishes he was detached from it. stop making a waste of youself... look at you.. u look like crap. he gazes at the slightly tilted window panes and gazes himself in the eye. who's that talking... was it you? his reflection seems to agree with a glassy stare.

he wished those voices in his head would stop pounding and the questions in his life would stop rushing at him like angry reporters. damn it. his head makes its way to the wooden table top of his study and crashed with a thud. he felt alone. in this whole craziness, the work piling up to his head.. the dishes sitting in the sink with gravy draped over them like a veil on bride's face.

why was he alone? he pondered as he sat there his face buried in the ceder wood of his study table and smelled the taste of varnish.oh how he longed for the warmth touch of a young lady!.. for his last relationship had left him craving for a soft kiss.. that would grow into a long locking of lips.. the twining of bodies...yes. his mind ventured off into a fantasy world. it seemed to know where it wanted to be.. and tried successfully to fuel the growing desires within him. it wanted so badly.. to turn that fantasy into reality... a lil more...

the table was cold.. and hard.. unlike a lady's shoulders. why do u think such perverse thoughts ? feeding the hunger of your lust like that...a voice within him cried out. i hate this sinful part of me. he ceased to think. the voices within him raged into a bloodthirsty rage... though he knew.. they wouldn't stop. staring blankly at the pencil that lazed at the edge of his table. it seemed to beckon to him. to write. probably some work. he looked away...

be strong. and run...

He looked at the rain.
it was raining again. it had been raining for the entire week. but somehow it didn't matter. he loved it-the rain. he felt calm when it rained..feelings of peace. for once.
as he watched the glassy droplets fall, he huddled in a tiny and dark corner, away from the luminous glow of the street lamp. he stared at the light for a while, his eyes slowly adjusting to its brightness. It looked fairly like a dandelion, he thought. (if u look at a street light u'll know wat i mean.) he pondered upon this for a while then brushed it aside, like a child tired of his toy.

he sniffed and felt his lungs grow heavy. They felt like chains had been strung to them and he heaved his entire chest to hurt and he badly wanted to cry, the tears enticing him to let them loose over his face. but he knew he so much wanted to succumb... but he couldn't because; he had to be strong.

"One day you'll grow up strong, you'll have your own family and kids to think about." People used to tell him that. well older people.. at least.. he wanted badly to be strong. to be able to pick up that burden and carry it. for his family. Then there was school. there were committments, promises he made. he remembered the downcast face of his dad, when he flung a paper in sch.i don't want to see him sad, he thought. he loved his dad.. his mom...he loved his family.

his dad was strong. all his life he kneew that if there was trouble. his dad would save him, like superman.. haha.. yes.. like superman. he wanted so much to be like him.. just he didnt know how...How did he do it? He held back his tears... it seemed so impossible.

the rain, by this time, started to hasten its steps and came down in thin sheets of crystal-like droplets. if u looked closely or let your eyes follow the tiny beads that fell ever so quickly. u could see the wind seem to glide through them pushing them just so slightly aside as it moved through.. again. and again, on this cold wet night.

the rain. was it mocking him? or did it bleed, like the way his heart did. his emotions churned up within him and he could feel his chest burning. he wanted badly to cry. so badly. a tear found its way out and a tiny rainbow slowly made his vision fuzzy. the dandelion lights seemed to mesh with the tiny rainbows and the world surrounding him got sucked into the watery swirl, very much like the colors on an oil painting.

A voice inside him softly told him to run. "run my dear boy. run far away from all these troubles. u'll feel better then you don't have to worry about them anymore." run....

DON"T lie to me!.. damn it.. stop!! he knew from experience that when u ran the things u left behind never really were left behind. he wanted that voice to shut up. to go away. the last time he listened, worries grew to troubles, troubles grew to burdens. those things called emotional excess baggage. luggage that you had to carry all through your life. he wanted very much to give in. to throw in the towel and give up to listen to that voice. he huddled in a tiny damp corner and pulled his knees in to tuck his head into them. to hide

there was no light where he crouched or half sat. only the shadows. in the shadows, he found comfort and fear. the ghostly winds seemed to have found him, and made their way. blowing sweeping the rain lightly upon his cheeks. sending tinges of chills through his face and sent an icy feeling piercing his eyes. he shut his eyes. and a warm sensation hobbled on his cheek for a moment before rolling off the contours of his face.

why did he find comfort in shadows. no one could see him, no one would judge his weaknesses. Most of all. no one would know he was there.

Suddenly he sprang up. using his hands to push off the cold mossy bricks on the pavement. he dusted himself and ran. he had to run home. if he could not carry the repsonsiblity. the least he could do. was face it. face it and grow strong. the last thing he wanted to do was let his parents worry about him.

yes.. be strong... and run.

Moments with u last for eternity.

i need a miracle

There's a reason i'm blogging this.

cuz i want to be sure
i wanna be soo damn sure.
that if a miracle happens.
i will know it.

I think i'll fail my exams.. haha.. lemme see.. 1 tut behind in maths... 7 tutorials behind in phys... 4 tut behind in commputing... 5 tut behind in chem... ugh.. if i dun da bao 3 sub next sem. i think.. i can throw a party. can retain one year liao loh.

i've spent half the time studying.. can more thatn half of the remaining time praying for a miracle to happen. i know i don't deserve it. i really don't. I've screwed up big time, and with two weeks left to the looming exams. i'm a goner. i can safely say i know NUTS about physics and chem... and completely lost now in commputing. o boy.. and that's only 3 of my six subs huh..

if a miracle does happen.. please remind me that it did happen. please.. oh please.. >.<

If I Kissed You -Corrine May

If I kissed you
Would fireworks fly
Would angels sing with lollipops
Would dinosaurs cry
Would babies all gurgle in laughter and surprise
If I kissed you

If I kissed you
What would Michelangelo say
Would he still have sculpted David
Would we be immortalized in clay
Would the poets write of love like ours
Would John Donne have his say
If I kissed you

You could be one in a million
You could be the one for me
But I guess I'll never know if I never try
I guess I'll just have to grab you in my arms
And kiss you

If I kissed you
Would you lose track of time
Would you feel a surge of happiness
Running up your spine
Would you run naked in the street
With a tattoo of my name on your behind
If I kissed you
Oh, if I kissed you
Yeah, if I kissed you


Moments with u last for eternity.

i was sad

i did something wrong.
i felt bad.
then i felt good about feeling bad.
then i felt bad about feeling good about feeling bad.
then i felt good about feeling bad about feeling good about feeling bad.
then i felt bad about feeling good about feeling bad about feeling good about feeling bad.
then i felt good about feeling bad about feeling good about feeling bad about feeling good about feeling bad.
then i felt bad about feeling good about feeling bad about feeling good about feeling bad about feeling good about feeling bad.
then i felt good about feeling bad about feeling good about feeling bad about feeling good about feeling bad about feeling good about feeling bad.
then i felt bad about feeling good about feeling bad about feeling good about feeling bad about feeling good about feeling bad about feeling good about feeling bad.
then i fell asleep.
Moments with u last for eternity.

Wow. it works.. ahaha

My blogger works!!!>.>

ok... song.. not to haolian the pics that pple drew for me.. or made for me.. wahhha
left one - jolene
right one - Van!!! lol A million thanks. =)


Ok. the Blogger at home is pretty screwed. either that or they decided to fix it for me. In any case, i'm blogging this from Wee Nam library.
Goshmy nose is running like ...ugh. I'm gonna coat the keyboard in mucus if this carries on... ahaahh.. okok.. kidding. Though i probably think that the keyboards in the libraries aren't very clean to start with. I know of some pple who don't wash their hands after coming out form the loo. So there u have it. Some really hygienic keyboards.
Why am i sitting here bothered by keyboards. the least of all ridiculously stupid things. When i could be pondering about life's little crap hole.
Life itself seems to have taken a turn for me. I feel like its actually beginning to slow down for once. WHich is a bad thing. since i know that life itself doesn't slow down.. until you're too old to even know wat the heck is going on around u. but of course, some of u out there would retort at that knowing that you're full in years yourself. haha.. silly dinosaurs. I'm blabbering aren't i? Jon's off.. just a lil.

Think i recently got invovled in too much CCA nonsense. Think i'm in full time ECA and part time study. oh crap. haha. I don't think that's very reccommendable.(Argh. my nose is killing. i'd just wish it stop it's nonsense. Really spontaenously bursting forth like some waterfall. )

Where was i, yes.. my ecas.. think i shd quit some. seriously... but i don't know which.. dance? sailing?bah. can't quit sailing... i love the sea top much.. the friends.. the very retarded cow.. haha.. stay with the ecas? and die a horrid death. Anyone with half a brain would know i'm courting death or stabbing my self in the back.. and the foot and the... oh well..

I wanna take a psychology minor but i'm not sure wad to expect. Some how the whole idea seems to appeal to me. Maybe its cuz i realise i recently have this weird ability to read pple's emotions.. its not very much.. but its alot more sensitive than most pple. even girls. hah.. i'm half a girl.. thats wad i told Jac.. hahah.. siao liao..
Ok.. this blog is really crap those of u who have read this.. i'm terribly sorry for the moments of torture.. but then again.. i'm sure u would have stopped half way to prevent yourself from going into convuulsions and spontaneouly combusting on the spot.

can i like.. pluck out my nose... now.... and just empty it.. -doh-
Moments with u last for eternity.

hmm... look!!!

Look wad Van did for me!!.. so cool right.. wahahha.. super impose 2 pics.. whooohoo.. nvr thought i'd get this.
Must really get photoshop.
thx van!!!

Moments with u last for eternity.