And panic tore...

across my entire being as if it were late for an important meeting.

I'm writing this before my physics test.
If there was anyway of describing "dead", I'd be it.
Three quizzes back to back with a half a buket of head knowledge would cause even the most stable compounds to break out in cold electron sweat. Not to mention a human with half a brain.

I'd be pretty happy if my brain had fully disintegrated or migrated to Manhatten(I hear its a nice place. then again... anyplace else is nice when you've got exams.) for that matter.
At least, I wouldn't be able to comprehend or register my dire situation.

Yet, now all i have is half a brain. Why half? Cuz some of the hardworking ones died in the cold physics war. Whilst others lost their lives valiantly to the study of life science and the remaining got creamed to death by psychology. Which leaves me.. sadly... with the lazy brain cells.
All this.. in a bid, to still enable me to panic
as per normal.

(We shall now take a 5 second break as i panic. )

Where were we? Yes. No brain. Ahhh. IF i had no brain. It'd be quite the gay. Oblivious to the impending doom and in a pure state of mental bliss. Only to eat sleep and perhaps have sex.
But for now. Lets make do with this half a brain.. shall we?

This was the lazy half a brain.

signing out.


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