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I just ran. Now I'm sitting in front of the computer happily eating salmon roe sushi.
I love sushi. Especially salmon roe sushi... Anyway, the most improbable thing just happened.

I was happily running away, at 12 midnight just around my block when I came across what I perceived to be at first, a madman. (Funny thing was..He happened to be thinking the exact same thing. Anyway...)

There are a few problems that come with meeting a madman. For one, I didn't really know how to react. Oh yes!... Before I go there... The mad part.

Why was he mad? Well, anyone who jogs at 12 midnight is stark raving mad. Its a terribly unearthly hour to be running around. Besides..."What if you get raped by some idiot?!", people always ask me. Well IF the fellow actually bothers to chase after me just to rape me. So be it.(and yes. I'm mad as well. I'm not denying the fact. If you're nodding your head profusely, i'll be glad if it happily falls off.)

The second problem with meeting a mad man is that. He is a man and ALL MEN HAVE EGOS. (You confounded females.... StOP nodding your heads!! I hope u turn into woodpeckers.) Yes... Men just LOVE to compete. Its an ego thing, it seems, that men live and strive to outdo one another.

There was this once, I was running up a hill, behind this rather lovely couple. Then the guy decided to speed up. Alright... I thought to myself, might as well keep his pace.
And so i sped up.
Thinking perhaps it was a challenge he broke into a half sprint. Not to be out done, i picked up the pace as well. Which left his rather bewildered girlfriend/wife wondering why the heck he was running. It ended of course, with the three of us sprinting like mad.
Me racing him, him racing me, and a rather shocked wife/girlfriend trying to keep up with her husband/boyfriend.

Anyway... back to the madman... I was wondering if he was gonna race me. Which to my uttermost relief.. He stopped running. *phew* I thought. Until he turned to stare at me.

It turned out to be my primary school best friend, Jon Lau. *gasps of immense wonder, shock and denial*

Oh well. He thought me mad. I thought him mad. I do believe its normal to be mad.
At least in some way or another...


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