Image hosting by PhotobucketMemoirs of a Geisha

Just watched the show.

My sentiments?

A story that tells of life's cruelty- the chalked white face that masks the pain, desires, emotions that we habour from day to day. Mirroring a life very much like our own.

A story that gently reminds: we don't always get the things we want or sometimes we do, only not in the ways we would have wanted them be..

But alas, like the story of the cherry blossom. To savour every moments of our life while it still lasts.


Blogger Unknown said...

ooo its nice its nice???

1:09 AM  
Blogger Jon Lame said...

yes it is. very. :)

7:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have issues with Zhang Ziyi's eyes. Suppose to be greyyyyy not blue! But the show is nice though certain parts don't follow the novel. And the kimonos could have been fancier. Okay, I shall stop being nitpicky.

10:24 PM  

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