
Here is one of the reasons why I love psychology.

but before that... Here's a glimpse of how pyshcologists understand Biological Disorders(as far I am taught, just so you'd understand what I am about to share.)

Classifying Abnormal Behaviour (DSM-IV):
Axis I: Clinical Disorder
Axis II: PersonalityDisorders and mental retardation
Axis III: General Medical Conditions
Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmentl problems
Axisv: Current level fo functioning.

Now for...

Psycho analysis of Gollum:
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The main idea that is floating around.

It is generally believed: that gollum was classified as...

Axis I: Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type
They believe that he displayed characteristics of being schizo, like namely thinking that others are so jealous of his speacial characteristics. Hence, they felt threatened by these characteristics that they spy and plot against him. (delusions of persecusion)
Axis II: Personality Disorder NOS (Not Otherwise Specified)
That he had Anti social and narcissistic features. The way he refused to trust anyone, the way he wanted to kill the rest by leading them into a trap, etc.
Axis III: Deferred to physician.
Axis IV Proabably had problems with praimary support group, occupational problems, other problems associated with the social environment.
Axis V: GAF 11
I think its pretty self explanatory.

The British Medical Journal :
Suggests that he perhaps had
Axis I: Paranoid Schizophrenia.
Axis II: Schizoid

My lecturer thinks:
Axis I: "substance" dependance.
That perhaps he was addicted to a drug (the ring) of some sort which caused him to behave in the way he did.
Axis II: Boderline Personality Disorder.
Axis III: Deferred to physician. Question of thyroid problem given the size of his eyes.
Axis IV: Problems with primary support group, other problems related to the social environment.
Axis V: GAF 18

Wat i think:
Axis I: Anxiety Disorder
Axis II: Dissociative identity disorder(was formerly known as multiple personality disorder)
AxisIII: Anorexia, hair loss and possibly scurvey.
Axis IV: Problems with social support group.
Axis V: GAF 8

oh yes... here's a little clip on Gollum.

haha i think its alittle messy.
Will furthur elaborate when i get some reading done.


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