Me. Oh shit. Its me.

I'm white. well not really white.. abit blue too but, oh well..
WHY?! its so pathetic... i hate white. doh
ok you're probably wondering (wah???.. has he finally lost it? he's not white.. he's chinese.. i'm 100% perfectly sure...unless)

ok. to sooth all your burning ques, i just read Color Code written by hartman. My character sits nicely on 49 % white.. and around 41 % blue (yes.. i know.. jon has completely lost it this time.)
which basically means... if you've read the book (if u haven't plz go.. or borrow it from me while i still have it)
which means... I'm 49% insecure, non-assertive, doubtful, dependant, unmotivated, boring, horridly lazy, tragically indecisive, happily aimlesss/misguided, silent and pitifully stubborn...

(WTH u say?!?) now u know why i've lost it?.

the other 41% means... i'm a unforgiving, resentful , worried, GUILTY!(of wat i have no idea), self righteous, insecure, moody and intricately complex, sad, little sod(the last three were mine).
(omg.. the insecure thing reapeated!!... OMG.. die. )

i'm an insecure little nut.. practically unforgiving..boring horridly lazy and MOODY.. so u know wat.. i've a license to bite!!... u'd better keep a 10 metre radius from me... better watch it i tell u. I'm detrimental to your well-being.

ok.. that was the bad part(i always like the bad news first.. and now for the good..) it also means i'm 49%( tolerant, patient, impressionable(i think it means i'm impressive.. HA!! take that... ok.. it doesn't.. =/), bleandable, kind, accepting, gentle and even-tempered(isn't that like... tolerant and patient??)

yes.. i know.. the good list is shorter than the bad one... lol.. die liao..
45% commited, loyalself disciplined, stableself sacrificing, nuturing, appropriate, sincere. purposeful, dedicated person.. wow.. that was long..

its funny how some of it clash like disciplined and lazy. we all know these two are like water and oil. they can't mix.. basically. so.. ok.

WHY are u posting this u silly moron(HA!.. read your mind there!!.. beat that) ok.. i posted this.. SO U.. YES U. can tell me which of these are true of me.. enter in comments plz.. i'd like to know.. and examples.. PLENTY.. so i can laugh at myself.
thx. ^^

to conclude this sily little blog.. i think i'm insecure, kind, peace making, worried, dependant and pretty boring. hmm hmm.. =)
comments pple?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

which one is true ar...


-ruth :)

8:58 PM  

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