Crap.Loads of Censorship

I finished up the coffee. Or. Whatever was left of that obnoxious liquid. It came from one of the coffee shops in Jurong. Its so stupendously bad I think a cockroach would die drinking it. Ah well.. I need the caffeine badly.

Back to studying with Adeline(I have invariably changed the names to protect the people involved.)She's bursting to talk. Which isn't exactly delectable since I'm trying to cramm stuff into my head. But I'm saturated to the point of crystallization so I give in anyway.

It never fails to amuse her to talk about BGR(Boy Girl Relationship). The way she suddenly comes to life before you when the topic is brought up is amazing. Almost phenomenal. She starts to fill me in on the latest bits of juicy scandals that are humming around like flies to a rotten banana. And I can't say I'd like to join in myself and divulge some secrets of my own.

Only I don't. If there's one thing I've learnt: Gossip is probably the only thing that travels faster than light.

So I'm there, absorbing bits of information. And forming silly little opinions of people. (Which is very wrong of me) And I start to wonder about my personal love life.
This is rather disturbing. Doubting my self-worth. Disturbing indeed.

I've recently met this girl. (I can picture all of you suddenly sitting up in your seats =/)

She's been fabulous. The conversations I've had with her are fantastic. Only problem is she's mildly vegetarian. I once laughed at a friend who fell in love with a vegetarian. The funny part is that he's almost carnivorous. (Must've evolved from a T-Rex or something.) And they say like poles attract. Well this one takes the cake.

Yes I have digressed rather badly. Back to the girl. I haven't confessed that I love food.(or have I?)Well. Frankly IF I didn't believe in Christianity, Gluttony be my new religion. And Now I have to meet a girl who's wildly into vegetables. Ha... Oh no. He's gonna sooooo... gonna laugh at me. (That friend has gotten an omnivore of a girl the last time I heard. Yes. So he's SOO gonna laugh.)

I have suddenly decided to not talk about the girl for fear the paparazzi will appear at my door. And my friends will squeeze every single bit of detail out from me like a ripe pimple. I will not succumb to all your insistent probing. Ha. I shall run to Beirut. haha

Enough of the idle chatter. To books!


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