He looked at the rain.
it was raining again. it had been raining for the entire week. but somehow it didn't matter. he loved it-the rain. he felt calm when it rained..feelings of peace. for once.
as he watched the glassy droplets fall, he huddled in a tiny and dark corner, away from the luminous glow of the street lamp. he stared at the light for a while, his eyes slowly adjusting to its brightness. It looked fairly like a dandelion, he thought. (if u look at a street light u'll know wat i mean.) he pondered upon this for a while then brushed it aside, like a child tired of his toy.
he sniffed and felt his lungs grow heavy. They felt like chains had been strung to them and he heaved his entire chest to breathe.it hurt and he badly wanted to cry, the tears enticing him to let them loose over his face. but he knew he so much wanted to succumb... but he couldn't because; he had to be strong.
"One day you'll grow up strong, you'll have your own family and kids to think about." People used to tell him that. well older people.. at least.. he wanted badly to be strong. to be able to pick up that burden and carry it. for his family. Then there was school. there were committments, promises he made. he remembered the downcast face of his dad, when he flung a paper in sch.i don't want to see him sad, he thought. he loved his dad.. his mom...he loved his family.
his dad was strong. all his life he kneew that if there was trouble. his dad would save him, like superman.. haha.. yes.. like superman. he wanted so much to be like him.. just he didnt know how...How did he do it? He held back his tears... it seemed so impossible.
the rain, by this time, started to hasten its steps and came down in thin sheets of crystal-like droplets. if u looked closely or let your eyes follow the tiny beads that fell ever so quickly. u could see the wind seem to glide through them pushing them just so slightly aside as it moved through.. again. and again, on this cold wet night.
the rain. was it mocking him? or did it bleed, like the way his heart did. his emotions churned up within him and he could feel his chest burning. he wanted badly to cry. so badly. a tear found its way out and a tiny rainbow slowly made his vision fuzzy. the dandelion lights seemed to mesh with the tiny rainbows and the world surrounding him got sucked into the watery swirl, very much like the colors on an oil painting.
A voice inside him softly told him to run. "run my dear boy. run far away from all these troubles. u'll feel better then you don't have to worry about them anymore." run....
DON"T lie to me!.. damn it.. stop!! he knew from experience that when u ran the things u left behind never really were left behind. he wanted that voice to shut up. to go away. the last time he listened, worries grew to troubles, troubles grew to burdens. those things called emotional excess baggage. luggage that you had to carry all through your life. he wanted very much to give in. to throw in the towel and give up to listen to that voice. he huddled in a tiny damp corner and pulled his knees in to tuck his head into them. to hide
there was no light where he crouched or half sat. only the shadows. in the shadows, he found comfort and fear. the ghostly winds seemed to have found him, and made their way. blowing sweeping the rain lightly upon his cheeks. sending tinges of chills through his face and sent an icy feeling piercing his eyes. he shut his eyes. and a warm sensation hobbled on his cheek for a moment before rolling off the contours of his face.
why did he find comfort in shadows. no one could see him, no one would judge his weaknesses. Most of all. no one would know he was there.
Suddenly he sprang up. using his hands to push off the cold mossy bricks on the pavement. he dusted himself and ran. he had to run home. if he could not carry the repsonsiblity. the least he could do. was face it. face it and grow strong. the last thing he wanted to do was let his parents worry about him.
yes.. be strong... and run.
Moments with u last for eternity.